Sunday, August 16, 2009

PDFSharp - Can we use it?

We've lined up the controls that we want to use for the host app. It looks like we can use GTK# TreeView controls for a lot of the utility views (project list, files list, activity log, etc.). The biggest challenge we have is we need someway to design forms and reports. For v1. we're just hoping to get something to translate XML to a dynamic control UI. I'm also checking out PDFSharp for export to PDF. OOXML or ODF will be our format for Word/Excel (if we can figure it out).

I think MigraDoc / PDASharp may be a real possibility (the same folks who created PDFSharp created MigraDoc). Also taking a look at ITextSharp.dll.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Worked on mockups for the host application. I uploaded files to the Google Group: I still need to flesh out some of the screens, and add a scripting engine (if such a thing exists in Mono)

Checked out GTK# controls - I think TreeView and GTK.HTML will do a lot for us. I think we're on our own to develop a ReportViewer/Editor. I think it makes sense to get a viewer working and for the 2.5 version implement an ad-hoc editor. Since the first couple of providers are coming from the ORG team, we can backlog the editor. I do see an opening for a serious report creation/editing tool since I had a hard time finding any myself. We can probably leverage the HTML control for a bit, but that is not a good solution for printed reports.

Also, looking into output components - ODF? OOXML? XML/XSLT? PDF? I need something for printing.

Maybe a port from System.Windows on Windows to Mono would work? I'll have to prototype something.